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ABOUT US メイプル英会話について




Established in April, 2014, Maple Eikaiwa holds English classes in Makurazaki City and Nansatsu area. We strive to teach English in a fun and effective way to students of all ages.



OUR GOAL フォニックスとコミュニケーション能力の習得






Our owner's experience has made him realize there are gaps in English education in Japan and he wants to remedy the situation. Specifically, our school focuses on phonics and communication. Phonics and communication elements are seriously lacking in English language education in Japan and we hope to provide our students with a solid foundation from which they can grow. 







At Maple Eikaiwa, we want to give students every opportunity to use English. That's why our classes are small with no more than 6 students in each class.



TEACHER 講師について


 講師のファン チャンウェイは、カナダのトロント市出身です。南さつま市のALT(英語指導助手)として小学生や中学生に4年間英語を指導し、その後英会話教室で様々な世代の生徒の指導を行い、その指導経験は10年以上になります。2014年にメイプル英会話を立ち上げました。また、講師は英語を母国語としない生徒に英語を教えるTEFL※資格を取得しており、英語教育と日本の生徒及び日本の学校教育に精通しております。




Maple Eikaiwa is owned and operated by Mr. Chang Wei Fung. He is from Toronto, Canada and has been living and teaching in Japan for over 10 years. He worked as an ALT in Minamisatsuma City, teaching elementary and junior high students for 4 years. After that, he joined a local English school before establishing his own operation in 2014. He is TEFL certified (英語教育) and has extensive knowledge of the public school system in Japan.





2024 カレンダー





Maple Eikaiwa


26-6 Higashi Honmachi Kaseda

Minamisatsuma City



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